we had such a lovely evening! breakfast for dinner, a trip to atwoods, gracie running around naked with a pull-up on her head, bathtime, and then some "girl talk" with gracie while daddy put the babies to bed. it was busy, but so fun!
because it was so wonderful, let me show you the cinnamon toast we had for dinner...
(it is the best, by the way, thanks to the pioneer woman... i didn't think it would be that different, but oh... my... you must try it)

ta da! the finished product!!! (fair warning... keep your hands back when you take them out of the oven... people get grabby!)

this toast recipe just cements what i believe about butter... everything is better with butter... real butter! most who know me know that i DO NOT run out of butter... ever! mmm hmmmm... yummy!
oh, wait, i should probably tell you how i made it... (acutally, how the pioneer woman says to make it... she's brilliant! thank you, pioneer woman! and thank you for the cookbook.)
1 stick of butter, softened
1/4 cup of sugar
2 tsp of cinnamon
2 tsp of vanilla
mix all ingredients and spread on bread. bake for 10 min at 350 degrees.
and now... a self-portrait by gracie... yes, that is a pull-up on her head. don't ask...