(that's sewing in 6 year old terms).
Monday, January 31, 2011
our new hobby!
(that's sewing in 6 year old terms).
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
homemade buzz
buzz lightyear vest and wings!
Thursday, January 13, 2011
happy 6th birthday, gracie!
- birthday donuts for her class treat.
- lunch with daddy... her choice... chili's.
- family dinner... her choice... mcdonalds (specifically "the big one"). let me pause here and tell you that i offered to take her anywhere** she wanted to go for her birthday dinner. i mean anywhere**. apparently i didn't explain that "anywhere**" means you have to look at the footnotes, and here it means no mcdonalds. next time, i'll be sure to explain the limitations before i make the offer!
- dessert/birthday cake... mama's suprise... cherry berry (yum!) with aunt b and big dad.
on the way home from getting her boots, i was telling her about the day she was born. i told her about holding her and staring at her. i told her how in love i've been with her from the first moment. i told her how thankful that i am that God gave her to me. i told her how proud of her i am and how much i enjoy being with her. i paused and then she spoke... "um ok, but... are you done, cause i want your phone"... really? really. someday she'll understand. someday.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
gracie's birthday eve
Monday, January 10, 2011
first snow of the season
what an arm... can you see that snowball (look closely on the road)... aunt kathy would be so proud.
gracie, ever the sweet big sister, offered to throw one at cale. he tucked and ran.
the entire "first snow of the season" experience lasted about 90 seconds. oh, well. there's always next time.
hot chocolate, anyone?
Thursday, January 6, 2011
meet my... new love...
yes, folks... that's right... those are my feet in my boots. my new boots. christmas present from the hubby. one present i'll not be returning, thank you. for those of you that know me well, well you know about me returning gifts. maybe my dad should go with him more often. just kidding, honey! (dad... i'm really not kidding.) the boots... well they're cute. really cute. like hot mama cute. he's really proud of himself. he should be.
i'm so excited i may just sleep in them.