i love fall. i love fall for lots of reasons. lots of reasons like boots and jeans, big sweatshirts, bonfires, pumpkin bread, and thanksgiving. oh, and one more reason... the pumpkin patch.
you may or may not know that i am big on traditions. there are certain things i really enjoy making and making happen for the holidays. and for me, the pumpkin patch is the kick-off for the whole shebang.
this year, cale and lily had a field trip to our local pumpkin patch, so gracie and i
tagged along for all the fun.
we hunted for the perfect pumpkin.

and hunted... and hunted... and hunted.
then, there were pumpkin races.
it was so fun for them to be up against each other. even lily got in on some of the racing action!
ok, before we move on, let's discuss one of the trials of mommyhood. it rears its' ugly head every time our family is in the general vicinity of a camera. yep, you guessed it...
picture-taking time.
you know what i mean. when it's one of those "special" times when all you want is a good picture. just one. i'd settle for that. is it too much to ask that for 15 seconds, all participants actually participate? i think not, but i'm just the mom. i mean really, just a little cooperation would go a long way here. but no, just leave it to the little one...

so, then i try for just the kiddos by themselves and this is what i get...
leave it to her. that's kind of her m.o. these days. guess that'll make for an interesting christmas card.