this morning i got a text from lilybug's teacher, mrs. dougherty, letting me know that bug was trying to bribe her with an invitation to a "tea party" (that she had invented) in exchange for holding the flag. nice. bargaining at 2. really? something surely learned from her sister. and for some reason, that leads me to believe there will be lots of "discussions" in my future.
anyway, while driving home and contemplating what that future of mine full of discussions might look like, i thought... "hmmmm, tea party. good idea." so, we did.

well, our version of a tea party anyway. chocolate milk (in my measuring cup. it's mostly because the little teapot that goes with the tea set is used in the bathtub, and... yeah.) ok, so chocolate milk, cookies, napkins, and the tea set. it's happenin' now!
gracie says, "take my picture like this!" i did.

then cale says (loudly, of course), "take MY picture, like this!!!!" i, as the mama who uses all opportunites to teach her children manners, said to him, "listen dude, we do not web-sling at tea parties." to which he calmly and firmly replies, "well, mom... i do." and then he continues his web-slinging antics, complete with sound effects. so, just know that if you invite cale to a tea party, he may web-sling. you have officially been warned.

and mollie. sweet, sweet mollie. so far, she's a little more brave (or maybe she is just more interested) than millie. millie gets it. she understands that if i want her to have something, i'll give it to her. mollie, well... she patiently waits for the smallest crumb. literally. but probably most important is that mollie has learned if she will stay just far enough away, she won't get in trouble. but, then again, if she's close enough, she might just catch whatever speck food that inadvertently falls. oh, that dog. fine, i'll admit it... she's growing on me.
and let's not forget... it's our jack update for the day. you'll be happy to know that he's been able to return to the north pole in the subsequent evenings since his trip was so rudely interupted by parents and barking dogs. he has now made it from the light to the curtain rod (in the living room), and this morning we found him perched atop (yay me! i used it again!) the bookshelf.

where, o where, will he be tomorrow???
oh my gosh! i almost forgot... i made pizza (complete with homemade pizza dough/crust) for dinner. cheese for the kiddos, and salsa/bruchetta-something and bacon for the aaaa-dults. it was sooooooooooooooo yummy. wait... yeah, it was that scrumptious.