yay!!! i've finally received my new camera cord so i can download pics again, so...
let the games begin...
watching cale's team is hil-ar-ious! they look like a school of fish or a swarm, all in a herd together, following the ball. and, he loves it!

what has been so amazing is to see the transformation in gracie once she steps on that field. she looks like she's been playing for much longer than the few weeks it actually has been. and then there's me... i never thought i'd be the mom hollering at her kids from the sidelines. i am.
she says she can hear me when she is out there. that has to be so embarrassing.

if you look closely at all of the boy feet in this picture, you'll see a black soccer cleat with a tiny pink swoosh... that's gracie. apparently she ain't skerrt!
and yeah, about that whole "hollerin'" thing... this was about the point my filter had a slight malfunction, and i yelled, "GRACIE, DON'T YOU LET THOSE STINKY BOYS TAKE THAT BALL FROM YOU!!!"
yep, it was me. i'm that mom. but, in my defense, it just happens. something inside takes over.
it's ok if you're a little embarrassed for my kids... i am.