saturday morning cale says
"hey mom, we did auditions at school yesterday!"
"what kind of auditions?"
"you know, mom, auditions... like audition and subtraction!"
ahhhhh... addition. got it. i didn't have the heart to correct him.
it was too cute.
then he says, "and i used my ruler. i find one number
and then count to the other to get the right answer."
"did mrs. blackburn teach you how to do that little trick with your ruler?"
"no, mom, i did that myself!"
later in the day he asked for us to write down some
"auditions" for him to work on. so we did.
and he worked.
i asked if he used his ruler trick this time, but he said he didn't.
"i didn't need my ruler, but i did use my brain just a little."
glad to hear it, you brilliant little man.