Saturday, August 31, 2013

happy birthday, cale!

yummy birthday cake pancakes...

for this sweet birthday boy!

how is this possible? it seems like just yesterday. time flies, doesn't it?

happy 6th birthday to my favorite boy in the whole wide world.     i love you to the moon and back, one millionbazillionkajillion times. 

Saturday, August 17, 2013

putt-putt... putt-putt...

for all who know that i always have a plan... how's this for spontaneous??? it was actually my idea to head out for a little game of miniature golf, last minute.
thank you. not part of the plans for tonight, i know. sometimes things work out just as they should, not as i have planned. i even walked away from the freshly-cut grass all over my house (the inside of my house) for this. worth it, you ask? you bet those sweet little bottoms it was. 

question? do you have any idea how hard it is to play and wait, play and wait, play and wait, play and wait, play and wait, and play and wait behind the SLOWEST family on the planet? thank heavens someone in their group lost a ball in the "pond", which gave us a tiny window to "play through". I don't even really know what that means but, after tonight, i like it. 

it was soooo funny when  they realized that on the 18th hole, their ball was gone forever. it only took one ball for them to figure that out and then it was a mad scramble to keep any more from getting close and disappearing forever. no more time for putt-putt... the bellies were growling.

there's no more golfing... only time for one more picture.

so i said it once this week, and i'll say it again...
i'm a very blessed girl. 

Thursday, August 15, 2013

third grade, here she comes!

third grade. third. grade. that sounds so big. third grade means a new building. third graders have lockers. third grade requires colored pencils. third grade just suits her.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

kick me?

today, this was kinda funny. someday it will be funny to lily. in between those times, gracie had better look out. that little one, she's pretty feisty. not sure gracie realizes that she's messing with the wrong girl. 

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

what i love...

do you know what i love? 

i love a beautiful sunrise and round bales of hay...

i love a painted sunset enveloped in storm clouds...

i love these sweet babies (and their silly faces) that God has entrusted me with. they are my heart...

and i love this man who loves me and the wonderful, crazy, whirlwind life we live.

these are the things i am so grateful that God has blessed me with. sometimes i get so lost in the tasks in front of me  i forget what is truly important. i forget how gracious my heavenly Father was and continually is to allow me to live and relate on a daily basis with this precious family. i am blessed to be His daughter, i am blessed to be Kyle's wife, i am blessed to be the mama that God chose for my babies, i am blessed to have the family i have... i am blessed.

Monday, August 12, 2013

saturday morning cale says 
"hey mom, we did auditions at school yesterday!"
"what kind of auditions?"
"you know, mom, auditions... like audition and subtraction!"
ahhhhh... addition. got it. i didn't have the heart to correct him.
 it was too cute. 
then he says, "and i used my ruler. i find one number 
and then count to the other to get the right answer." 
"did mrs. blackburn teach you how to do that little trick with your ruler?"
"no, mom, i did that myself!" 
later in the day he asked for us to write down some
 "auditions" for him to work on. so we did. 
and he worked. 

 i asked if he used his ruler trick this time, but he said he didn't.
"i didn't need my ruler, but i did use my brain just a little."

glad to hear it, you brilliant little man.

Monday, August 5, 2013

CCS first day of school 2013

whew... what a day. 

new uniforms, new shoes, new routines...

new school, new backpacks, new supplies...
(no, that's not his backpack. he offered to carry lilybugs naptime stuff. chivalry lives on!!!)

new pencils, new skills...

new desks, new friends...

same sweet boy.