i know it's been a couple of days since i've blogged, but i've got a pretty good excuse... the internet has been down out at the ranch... sometimes it's rough living in the country... all sizes of spiders, critters, snakes (doesn't really matter what kind or how big... they give me the creeps!), satellite tv that stops working when the wind blows, and now the sketchy internet... even with all those cons, i still don't want to move back to town!
now, i've got a little story for you. it involves the circus, a baseball game, and one tired mama & daddy...
on a very recent thursday night, we took the fam to a local baseball game. what, you ask, would possess you to do such a thing? the answer is... not a clue... maybe we can plead insanity...

anyway, it started out ok. we had hot dogs, chatted with our friends, ate cotton candy. and then the game started... first, cale wouldn't sit. then, lily needed to eat. then, gracie needed to go potty. and then... and then...
after much debate (should we stay or go?), we decided to take them for dippin dots and to sit on the grass over by the outfield. good idea, right? no. cale dumped out his dippin dots, and then screamed cause he wanted more. some mommies (the very sweet and patient kind) would use this moment to explain to their child why we don't dump out our ice cream in the pretty grass, ask them not to do it again, and then probably buy another bowl. however, i am not that mommy! instead, i told him if he wanted more, he could scoop up what he'd just poured out, and eat it... so he did... and daddy helped him pick out the grass. i think i made my point! score one for the mama!!!
by the time we got porkchop squared away with the dippin dots, buggie had already swatted at the bowl of pears i was feeding her and managed to get it on me... twice. then came the home run that landed 3 feet behind lily! you know that scary moment when you realize there are people running at you and you have no idea why (remember, i was feeding her, not watching the game)... well, it was all because of the little bitty baseball speeding our way. lily, who was totally unfazed by all the chaos, proceeded to swat the bowl one more time and managed to get the remainder of the pears down the front of my shirt, running between my boobs, and all over my shorts. at this point, it was getting comical. i was done... and i mean done! kyle is usually the one who gets up (no matter what else is going on) and announces we're leaving. this time, it was me. and i meant it... right then. no, we're not stopping to play on the playground. no, we're not stopping for another drink. we practically ran for the car, loaded up the circus, and headed out of town. and, no, they didn't fall asleep on the way home...
the end