NONE! that's right, all the baby purple martins are gone... they flew the coop. ah, ha, ha, ha (you're laughing too, i know you are!).
let me tell you a little story (and i'll take the scenic route) leading up to the p.m. graduation...
so saturday morning i got up (early) and went to sit in my recliner. on my way to the chair, i noticed a p.m. baby sitting on the porch. did it fall out of the nest? or is it learning to fly? awwww... how sweet. i remembered my mother-in-law saying "wouldn't it be neat if you got to see their first flight"? i pondered the thought while staring out the window, all snug in my chair. then i decided i'd go check on my garden. what's that got to do with the baby bird, you ask? just wait... so, out in the backyard i go. as i approach the garden, i am suddenly aware of loud "chirping" eerily near me. i glance to my left, just up from the horizon, to see a bird flying quickly toward me. crazy bird. then, i hear the "chirping" again... only this time it sounds a little more irritated. i (again) glance to my left, and see a bird flying toward me. only this time, it is intently flying at me, like it wants to play "chicken". what the heck? this bird is after me. so what do i do? take of running, of course. the bird chases me... to the porch. when i make it to the porch, i'm thinking about the bird trying to attack me, not the fact that my flip-flops are wet from the dew on the grass, or the fact that concrete can be a tad slippery when it gets wet... now, i'll let you use your imagination (hope you're enjoying this).
i'm not sad to see the p.m. babies go. they left the poop. it would have been nice if they'd done a little clean-up, but don't worry little p.m.'s... i'll get it...
Home School Learnin’
As you may have known, Anna Claire is a “homeschooler”. But what you may
not have known is that I, the teacher, learn more than she does. Because I
am pr...
11 years ago
1 comment:
That is to funny! Did you look around to see if anyone saw you fall!!! I can't stand those birds you are more tolerable that I would of been!!!
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