you never know what you're gonna hear in my car...
first, i picked up gracie this afternoon, along with her good friend abby. we had ice cream and played. so, i overhear gracie telling abby that she saw 3 policemen chasing a car yesterday... that's news to me. so i start questioning her. from my interrogation, i conclude that she's not exactly telling the truth. so, i call her out... "gracie," i say, "are you fibbin'?" to which abby replies, "no, she's not even six yet"... when gracie realized that abby thought i said "seven", she looked at abby and said "abby, you are hilarious!!!" then they both fell over laughing.
then, we pick up cale and lily. when porkchop gets in the car, the dinner discussion commences. the first item on his list about his day was to tell me that he didn't like the cheese that kk gave him today, but "at least i didn't yak". thanks, cale. then i ask what he had for lunch... "a sandwich"... "what kind of sandwich, bubby?"... "um, the square kind." and from that comment, i am fully convinced that some things... like being a smarta**... are hereditary. poor kid, he comes by it honestly.
now, for the finale... let me say first, i'm not really sure what the initial action was, but the reaction was a play cell phone flying through the air and connecting with gracie's right eye. oh yes, that's gonna leave a mark. cale, of course, said he didn't do it. that means... and this is amazing... that old cell phones grow wings and hurl themselves at people. really, cale? just as gracie starts to calm down, cale starts yelling at me to go... "cause the light is green, mama"... again, really? so, i find myself trying to rationalize with a 2 year old about how i am driving, he is not, and he should leave it to the big people who have drivers licenses. it's always something...
Home School Learnin’
As you may have known, Anna Claire is a “homeschooler”. But what you may
not have known is that I, the teacher, learn more than she does. Because I
am pr...
11 years ago
Just another day for the Gifts
OK. I almost wet my pants reading this one. And no, it's not because of my age! Remember that smarta** comment you made? It's gonna come back to haunt ya! The whole family's like was the thing dad consistently to Nana that made her laugh, roll her eyes and say, "ED!", like she was so surprised all the time! Puh-leeze!!!
Sorry, that should have been, " was the thing dad consistently did to Nana...". I'm tired. Goin' to bed.
ha ha ha!! : )
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