i thought maybe we should try an a-to-z approach to the blog update this time. it's been a couple of weeks, and as aunt kathy says, "i know cale has said something funny since the last time you blogged!" she's right. he has. well, maybe we won't do all of a-to-z... lets hit the highlights!
c is for... cale. oh, dear Lord, help me! he is all boy, just in case you might have missed any the blogs about him that have established that. he is still loud, everything is about superheros, and he is the sweetest little boy i know.

f is for... fish! meet our newest family members...

this is gracie's new fish. his name is rainbow. she came home from school with that one (the name, not the fish)... anyway, moving on...

and this is cale's new fish, frankenstein. yes, frankenstein. i think i'll call him frank for short... wahhhh-ha-hahahaha!!!!
h is for... hibernating. hibernating? yes, that's right. lily's class was studying hibernation, and this was their little hibernation project...

it was pretty cute, right up until it got a little creepy. everywhere i moved, little beady eyes followed. he had to go, ummmm... hibernate.
l is for... lilybug. that's the same lilybug who is now out of bed and has just proclaimed "i not tired, mama." do ya know what that means? it's now the end of my blogging for the night. gotta go... lilybug needs some mommy snuggles!