i napped for a bit, and then we got busy at "the ranch"...
i think i'll go pour myself a sip of wine, put my feet up, and enjoy my tree... nite.
~~ where everyday is a new adventure ~~
really? 2 seconds. that's all i'm asking. is that too much? i just want one picture of everyone together... looking at the camera... smiling. just one. no? whatever. lets go.
however, thanks to lulu, we got great individual pics of them. dang, my kids are cute.
arrrr, matey. it's pork chop... the most feared pirate in rogers county.
awww... what a cute kitty. it's rather appropriate, considering her independent streak (that of which i know nothing of...).
before heading out into the dark and scary abyss (ok, not really) of aunt b's neighborhood, we had to have a test run...
and couldn't wait to taste test.
there were lots of cute decorations. besides my kids, of course.
ok, i have to say i'm very surprised that there was any candy left in these bowls. no one was manning them. the big kids must not have found them yet.
it would serve her well to remember that. she is one smart cookie!
lily... in her jammies and diaper. a 6 pound diaper. it was lovely. she thought it was hysterical. this give "re-bath" a whole new meaning.
at our house, it's always something.
casserole was in the pan. now, shakey, shakey, shakey... shake those onions on top.
yum. their finished dinner casserole. what's better than chicken with french fried onions? they loved it!
by the way, there happened to not be an questions about where the chicken, cream of chicken, french fried onions, tomato soup, or corn came from. what? no questions about our food? they must've been concentrating on the stir and dump...
this is the face that goes with the sweet voice who wanted to "makeover" my hair...
after much brushing, pulling, and whining... this was the finished product. i wore my hair just like that all morning, until it was time to shower. stop laughing... seriously. stop. now.
and this, well, this was the sunset at the ranch last night. gorgeous, huh? what's so amazing to me is knowing that God made those beautiful sunsets just for us! enjoy!
and then there was this cat. not sure what kind of a cat, other than a very cranky one. every time jackie would rattle the treat bag, he made this mean face. and along with the mean face, there was a very mean hiss. the "cat keeper" said it was just his way of communicating. communicating what? that he was pissed? sure looks that way. (this is where my mother would interject that ladies and gentlement, who don't say suck, also don't say pissed... and that she taught me better than that. she did. however, sometimes i like to buck the system.)
everyone got to feed the birds...
the lemurs... they just hung out.
and for the mamas, it was worth every extra heat index degree over 90!