oh... halloween. not my favorite of holidays. lots of people love it, like my husband. again, me... not so much. you know, it would be so much better without the scary stuff. why can't it just be dress up. why's it gotta be creepy? really, i don't need demon masks. my imagination is creative enough... i don't need the help. but, we go anyway.
i'm sure everyone else goes through the same drama-filled costume selection that we did this year. this was the first time that gracie really cared what she was. not cale. he just wanted to be a pirate... again. you'll see. he looks a lot like the pirate from last year. only this time, he's a little more, um... "healthy"... costume was a little snug. ok, a lot snug on top. and buggie had no clue. she was more interested in anything other than being snow white. i went as a mom. clever, right?
before heading out, i wanted a picture of all three of them. this was as good as it got...

really? 2 seconds. that's all i'm asking. is that too much? i just want one picture of everyone together... looking at the camera... smiling. just one. no? whatever. lets go.
however, thanks to lulu, we got great individual pics of them. dang, my kids are cute.
arrrr, matey. it's pork chop... the most feared pirate in rogers county.
awww... what a cute kitty. it's rather appropriate, considering her independent streak (that of which i know nothing of...).
before heading out into the dark and scary abyss (ok, not really) of aunt b's neighborhood, we had to have a test run...

looks like it went rather well. she must have passed.
lily even joined in on the action. if it wasn't what she wanted, she threw it on the ground. she was rather opinionated...
and couldn't wait to taste test.
there were lots of cute decorations. besides my kids, of course.
ok, i have to say i'm very surprised that there was any candy left in these bowls. no one was manning them. the big kids must not have found them yet.

it took 3 tries to get a family picture. goodness gracious. thank you aunt b and lulu (and big dad, of course) for being so patient. and for herding the circus. and for letting us invade your house.
we'll do it again next year. yea.
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