sometimes, i can be a little controlling. i know, you're shocked. really shocked. now's the time to pick up your jaw off the floor. some of you are shocked at the notion that i could be the least bit controlling, while others (ok, all of you) are in awe that i've actually just admitted it. whatever the case may be, letting go is a challenge, especially when it comes to my kids. one thing they love to do is cook. it's very hard for me to let them just do what they can and make a mess. but, again, they l-o-v-e it! so, tonight i had an idea... i let the kids make dinner.
casserole was in the pan. now, shakey, shakey, shakey... shake those onions on top.
yum. their finished dinner casserole. what's better than chicken with french fried onions? they loved it!
by the way, there happened to not be an questions about where the chicken, cream of chicken, french fried onions, tomato soup, or corn came from. what? no questions about our food? they must've been concentrating on the stir and dump...
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