are you aware that september is the annual tarantula migration time in oklahoma? yeah... well, me neither. but, it would explain the three tarantulas we've seen this evening.
cale: "i don't like those!"
daddy: "why not?"
cale: "cause they move!!!"
the spider then scurried towards cale. which was funny... in an it-shouldn't-be-so-funny kind of way. really funny.
and apparently, tarantulas can climb trees. i know, seems obvious. however, it's a little different watching that big 'ol spider scamper up the trunk.
hello, creepy.
I didn't know we even had tarantulas in Oklahoma until I ran over one in the road about a month ago! It was so HUGE that I actually saw it crossing the road, and I told Eric, "Holy crap! I think I just ran over somebody's pet tarantula," and that's when he told me that they live here in nature. Creepers!
Well, you know I caught these things at camp as a kid. We'd catch 'em, put 'em in a jar and look at 'em awhile and turn 'em loose. The OK tarantulas don't bite...but they do jump, and even though I pretty much hate spiders, I actually like tarantulas. Pretty cool. Haven't seen any at my house though. Maybe it's all the copperheads here....
Saw this article online this morning- and thought of you after reading your post last night. :) Hope you're well! love, Laura
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