Wednesday, September 21, 2011

why did the tarantula cross the road?

are you aware that september is the annual tarantula migration time in oklahoma? yeah... well, me neither. but, it would explain the three tarantulas we've seen this evening.

daddy caught this one in a box in the front yard for the kiddos to see. cale screamed like a little girl who'd just found a tiny field mouse in her bedroom (that, by the way, is an entirely different story). then, he and daddy had the following conversation...

cale: "i don't like those!"

daddy: "why not?"

cale: "cause they move!!!"

the spider then scurried towards cale. which was funny... in an it-shouldn't-be-so-funny kind of way. really funny.

and apparently, tarantulas can climb trees. i know, seems obvious. however, it's a little different watching that big 'ol spider scamper up the trunk.

hello, creepy.


Anonymous said...

I didn't know we even had tarantulas in Oklahoma until I ran over one in the road about a month ago! It was so HUGE that I actually saw it crossing the road, and I told Eric, "Holy crap! I think I just ran over somebody's pet tarantula," and that's when he told me that they live here in nature. Creepers!

Anonymous said...

Well, you know I caught these things at camp as a kid. We'd catch 'em, put 'em in a jar and look at 'em awhile and turn 'em loose. The OK tarantulas don't bite...but they do jump, and even though I pretty much hate spiders, I actually like tarantulas. Pretty cool. Haven't seen any at my house though. Maybe it's all the copperheads here....

Anonymous said...

Saw this article online this morning- and thought of you after reading your post last night. :) Hope you're well! love, Laura