Friday, October 29, 2010

gracie's trunk-or-treat

today was "trunk or treat" for gracie and the entire kindergarten. the "trunk" part of trunk-or-treat was that parents decorated their cars and were there to hand out candy to the preschoolers and kindergarteners. i originally volunteered my trunk until i realized that cale and lily would be with me...
can you imagine? me, neither.
so, i my trunk and i resigned. maybe next year.

the deal was everyone was supposed to dress up in their halloween costume, bring their goodie bags, and a good attitude ready for lots of fun and an entire morning of candy acquisition.
gracie ready, in costume... check. manually applied kitty cat nose and whiskers... check. pumpkin bucket... check. good attitude... hold on. what happened to the giddiness? it was all fine while we were getting ready. so fine, that while gracie was meowing and laughing hysterically, mollie watched her in the bathroom mirror and proceeded to growl and bark at her. it was really funny. then, when daddy said it was time to go, she starts crying about her cat nose. she doesn't want it... she doesn't want to trunk-or-treat... she doesn't even want to go to school. really? what the heck? so, we spend the next few minutes discussing why she should have a good attitude and enjoy the fun things that are in store for her today. she can't spend her whole life acting like this. she'll never do anything fun. she'll shut down exciting adventures before they even begin. you get the idea.

as they're headed out the door, i make her stop for a picture...

what a cute kitty cat she makes. this is the only cat that will ever live at my house.

so, this afternoon i am soooo excited to pick her up and hear all about her trunk-or-treat experience. she gets in the car and and i ask how trunk-or-treat was. gracie's response... "mom, this morning when we went out there, i thought i am totally going to have so much fun at this. my mom was so right".

it would serve her well to remember that. she is one smart cookie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She can't say "totally" yet! That's my baby girl!!!! Minnie