Wednesday, August 31, 2011

happy birthday, cale!

wow... how fast time flies when you're having fun. such is the case at our house. it's flown so fast that my favorite boy in the whole wide world
is now 4. that seems so big.
f... o... u... r.
in honor of the big day, let's take a little jog down memory lane...

anyone recognize that lip?
oh, he was so ca-yute!
still cute...

drum, baby, drum! that boy has rhythm and moves you've never seen!

we have an ongoing argument about that being my dog... he appears to be winning.

this continues to be an amazing journey. cale has the sweetest spirit, the heart of a giver, and he sure can keep a mean beat. he is fun, full of life, amazingly sensitive, brilliant, and quick-witted. he is all boy and loud... all the time. most of all, he is an infinate blessing.

i am so glad i am his mama. happy birthday, my sweet boy.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

the best pancakes ever!

oh, i know, that's a pretty bold claim. the best (plain) pancakes ever. it's not hard to stand behind that claim when it's true. you might be thinking "whatever, a pancake is a pancake... is a pancake". i, however, beg to differ. there are just pancakes, and then there are pancakes. the kind that make your mouth water just thinking about them (which is exactly what is happening to me right now). the kind that are fluffy and full of pancake goodness. the kind that are good enough to eat without butter and syrup. but, then again, who would want to? oh, and they're from scratch. that's the best part. i can pronounce every ingredient in them, and they're all in my pantry (which is very convenient, might i add).

1 1/4 c flour
1/4 c sugar
1/8 tsp salt
2 tsp baking powder
1 egg, beaten
1 c milk
2 tbsp oil
1 tsp vanilla or almond (if you're me)

mix all dry ingredients in large bowl. add wet ingredients. mix just until wet and dry ingredients are incorporated. now, stop and listen... leave the lumps. resist the temptation to mix it to a smooth consistency. be strong. walk away for at least 5 minutes... seriously. leave it alone. let the baking powder do it's job. once you've left it alone long enough, it's time to cook 'em. so, get busy. you've waited long enough. let them cook until air bubbles are visible, but not so long that the sides start to wrinkle. and, don't try to unload the dishwasher at the same time. that usually results in burnt pancakes... trust me. in case you're wondering, this recipe is very easily doubled and the pancakes freeze well (just toast to defrost).

if you're watching your calories, you probably shouldn't slather them in butter and syrup. if not, well... it's gonna be really yummy!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

cale and the cow patties

a couple of days ago, cale and i wound up in a conversation about cow patties (somehow the convo always turns to poop). so, i kept telling him it was a discussion he really needed to have with poppy, cause poppy knows all about it and can give much better insight. really.

fast forward to this morning. we were in the car, on the way to our new preschool. it's a nice little drive, down some faux country roads, with some hay fields, and lots of cows.

mama: "cale, i sure wish we had some cows."

cale: "yeah, me too."

mama: "maybe someday."

cale: "why can't we have some now?"

mama: "well bud, we don't really have a place to keep any cows at our house."

cale: "uh-huh. we do."

mama: "really... where?"

cale: "i could keep one in my room!"

mama: "i don't think that's such a good idea..."

cale: "why not? it could sleep in there."

mama: "dude, do you remember that whole conversation we had about cow patties?"

cale: "no."

mama: "you know, cow poop... cow patties..."

cale: "oh. yeah. i can just take the cow out so it can pattie..."

mama: "i think you should call your poppy now."

Monday, August 22, 2011

hello, preschool!

today was a very big day at our house, and along with the excitement came a big change. cale and lily started a new preschool. they were both super excited. ok, honestly, lily was just excited because everyone else was excited about something. but we were, all of us.

cale is in the 4 year old program and lily in the 2 year old class.

he has his own desk with his name on it!

awww... aren't they cute!

mama's baby boy. ok, so he isn't really a baby anymore... he's in preschool!!!!!

now, i know you're looking for pictures of lily, but there really aren't any from this morning. her teacher was trying to distract her with toys and i didn't want to interrupt and cause her to have a meltdown (which she didn't have, by the way). she got a tad panicky when her teacher picked her up, but then they were off to discover the new toys. lily's teacher said she had a great first day... that makes her mama happy.

just a little note for those of you who had the pleasure of dealing with me thursday and friday (and you know who you are, but i wouldn't blame you if you denied it)... first, thank you. i mean it, really. thank you. thank you for just letting me cry. thank you for listening. thank you for your kind words. mostly, thank you for your prayers. second, i did it all last week, so there was only one tiny tear this morning. this was a huge change, most of all for me.
now i know this is good, really good... it's going to be lots of fun... and cale and lily are going to be great!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

welcome, first grade!

ohhhh, the first day of school. but not just any first day... the first day of first grade. did you hear me? first grade. it's a grade. the first one. that means there are only eleven more... we have entered the first of 12. that's it. think about how fast the last 11 or 12 years have gone by. for me, they've flown. especially the last six...

they're the reason why. the best reason... ever.

we're gonna blink and it'll be lily starting first grade. let's think about that... when lily starts first grade, gracie will be in 5th grade.
good heavens. changed my mind... let's just not think about it.
on we go... let's recap the morning...

and... in we go!

this is mrs. vogel... she's gracie's new teacher. apparently she had to get on to some of the kids who were "not obeying", but "mom, it was not me... really!" good to know.
they sorted school supplies, colored, played games, had lunch, went to art class, had recess, but she didn't get to look at her school books "cause we were too busy"!

in case you're wondering, i didn't cry. well, at least not until i got in the car... and yesterday, a little.

what a big (little) girl she is. i am in awe of the person she is and is growing into. what an amazing blessing God has given me.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

oh, cale...

i was sitting at the table, finishing dinner (which was a very thrown together chicken enchilada casserole that was mighty tasty, i might add), and listening to gracie and cale banter. ok, so i wasn't really listening... it was more like tuning them out.

anywho, i tuned back in just in time to hear cale say to gracie,

"well, if you had kept your mouth shut, we wouldn't be in this mess"!

what the h-e-doublehockeysticks, you ask? that's what i said, too.

Monday, August 8, 2011

good night

you know i love a good sunrise, but i also love a good sunset. it is such a great way to end the day, especially when it's a aunt b's birthday sunset. tonight it was accompanied by some sprinkles... some "funder" as lily says. check it out...

happy birthday, aunt b! we love you!!!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

the last supper

tonight we had our last dinner with lulu, at least for a while.oh, fine. i know the title may be a tad bit dramatic. wait... me, dramatic? never!!!

in a few short days she will be off to college... off to be a big girl... off to learn new things... off to meet new friends... off to start a new and wonderful adventure.

but, for tonight, it was circus as usual.