Saturday, May 7, 2011

what a good saturday!

i don't know what a good saturday looks like to others, but i know what a good saturday is to my babies. it starts with a late morning warm enough to break out the bathing suits and the sprinkler...

get ready...

cause it's c-o-l-d!

sweet little lily didn't think the water idea was as much fun as gracie and cale. i think it was a tad too cold. she mostly watched the fun.

when the sprinkler lost it's luster, we broke out the big guns... slip 'n' slide time!

look mom, i can go backwards!

in case you're wondering... it's still cold.

yay for the warm may day!

check out those muscles!

and if that's not enough fun, we've topped off the day our bff and a movie!

thank you jesus for our good day!

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