Thursday, August 11, 2011

welcome, first grade!

ohhhh, the first day of school. but not just any first day... the first day of first grade. did you hear me? first grade. it's a grade. the first one. that means there are only eleven more... we have entered the first of 12. that's it. think about how fast the last 11 or 12 years have gone by. for me, they've flown. especially the last six...

they're the reason why. the best reason... ever.

we're gonna blink and it'll be lily starting first grade. let's think about that... when lily starts first grade, gracie will be in 5th grade.
good heavens. changed my mind... let's just not think about it.
on we go... let's recap the morning...

and... in we go!

this is mrs. vogel... she's gracie's new teacher. apparently she had to get on to some of the kids who were "not obeying", but "mom, it was not me... really!" good to know.
they sorted school supplies, colored, played games, had lunch, went to art class, had recess, but she didn't get to look at her school books "cause we were too busy"!

in case you're wondering, i didn't cry. well, at least not until i got in the car... and yesterday, a little.

what a big (little) girl she is. i am in awe of the person she is and is growing into. what an amazing blessing God has given me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well. That pretty much wiped me out for the evening. NOT blink! I did, and look what happened! Oh yeah. I got the Monkey Circus! YEAH!! (but I don't want to blink about them, because it makes me cry). Min