Tuesday, March 4, 2014

the little blue bean

 most conversations these days regarding lily start with "oh, that girl..." this is certainly no exception.

she was sitting in my lap at my office telling me all about her day. in true dramatic lily form, she tossed her head back during a particular part of her story and i caught a hint of blue in one of her nostrils. hmmm... she must have a runny nose i thought. but as she tossed that head again, i realized that was not the case. no, not at all. something was blue. pearly blue.

me: "lily, is there something in your nose?"

lily: "yep."

me: "um... what is it? did you put something in your nose."
(panic begins rising at this moment)

lily (as cool as a cucumber): "it's a blue bean. i put it there during P.E."

me: "what?!?!?!?! why????"

squirrel alert: why i ever ask "why" is beyond me. most of the time the response is a shrugging of the shoulders, and a realization that the truth is they don't know. there is no consideration of any consequences. there is (at this point) only a curiosity that drives them to do act. sorry... back to lily's story...

lily: "i don't know."

and the truth was she didn't know, she just did it. and she was very matter-of-fact about it.

i made a beeline for miss karla's office. in her ever calm manner, karla offered to help get it out. i'll spare you all the dramatic details, but i will say that there were four of us holding her down and one with the suction. it didn't work. finally mid-screaming, she was able to blow it out. yuck-o... yes. i don't think lily will do that again. oh, i hope she doesn't do it again...
"little blue bean"
you're welcome for the visual.

i can assure you there will be a sequel... just hoping it doesn't involve anything in the nose next time.

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