Saturday, July 17, 2010

summer vacation... the pictures... finally!

i know... finally, right? i'm finally getting vacation pictures posted. it's like i have 3 little kids and a full-time job, or something... so, here are a few highlights for you to enjoy!

it is official... lily loves the beach. actually, the waves. anytime she could get in them, she did. it wasn't enough to have tiny waves lapping her feet... oh no... she wanted to be in the full rolling waves... and she squealed every time!

i think gracie and cale had as much fun destroying the sand castles that had been built, as daddy did building them. although, i don't think he enjoyed watching his hard work go down in flames!

really? you're gonna put that in your mouth... with sand all over it???

gracie enjoyed afternoons by herself (and mama, of course!)...

this was our m.o. most nights... it didn't matter that we'd already had baths for the night and were in our jammies... the waves called... and, thank goodness gracie and cale were there to answer.

this little guy (the bigger little guy) was so excited to pose with his fish and cale... gracie wouldn't go near it...

i told kyle that bret michaels is the only one who can pull off the sexy pout (and not that well, might i add...). can't i get a smile... and some teeth? really? come on... is that too much to ask?

and... the crowning picture...

ahhh... my sweet babies. these pictures were worth the entire vacation... and all the hassle it took to get family pictures on the beach. i can't show you any more of the family pics until i decide what to use for christmas cards. i want you to be surprised...


daddy said...

What a great time at the beach for all of us. Thank you honey for posting the i don't have to!!

Anonymous said...

ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....i love the pic of you and your man....i LOVE it!!! it's so "you guys"...and i love you guys!!! : )