Tuesday, November 16, 2010

i don't even know what to title this one...

here was the scene at our house a couple of nights ago:

it was bedtime. ahhh... sweet bedtime. and at our house, bedtime (or anytime relatively close to it) means we start winding down, getting quiet, and maybe picking out a book to read. i had just bathed all the kiddos and both girls were in their jammies. cale, on the other hand, was being particularly difficult about getting dressed. surprise, surprise. i'd been following him around with the clothes, but i got sidetracked picking up toys... and books... and laundry... and toys... and then cleaning up cale and lily's room. meanwhile, daddy... in the spirit of bedtime and winding down time... turns on some music. awww... sweet, right? wrong. what he turned on was a fantastic praise & worship song by jesus culture. now, don't get me wrong, i l-o-v-e that song. so do my children. but it's not what "calms" them. the next thing i know, gracie is dancing on my bed, lily is doing fist-pumps in the air (which, by the way, you must see), and cale... who is still naked... is using his "junk" as a guitar (which no one needs to see). that boy will us whatever he can get his hands on (literally) to "play" music. do you think slash ever did something like this? wait, don't ans-ver that...

1 comment:

daddy said...

but it is a GREAT song.....timing was questionable, I admit, but they loved it!!