Sunday, April 3, 2011

standardized tests are this week, oh my!

gracie and jordan were riding in the backseat last night discussing the woes of kindergarten (because there are so many). i heard gracie tell jordan that this next week, her class would be having "bear tests". the bear tests are the standardized tests that are given each year... or every other year... whenever. you know, the tests that you had to fill in the gazillion bubbles. i don't think they were called "bear tests", and i'm sure the tests have slightly different requirements for kindergarteners than when i was little, but i do remember the "need" for a large number of very sharp #2 pencils. ok, back to gracie and jordan... so, gracie was explaining that there would be three, yes three, days of testing. as if that wasn't bad enough to her, she went on to tell jordan that they would have to draw all kinds of shapes, numbers, and letters... and all the drawings had to be perfect. but, according to gracie, the worst part of the bear tests... wait for it... wait for it... and i quote,

"i think they make you spell chicken... all by yourself!!!"

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