Thursday, June 10, 2010

garden update

check out my garden!

i am so proud of us! my tomatoes have taken off and the zucchini and squash are "growing like weeds" (ahhh, ha, ha, haaaa!). sorry... couldn't help myself. anyway, the zucchini and squash have little buds all over them. there are lots of grape tomatoes and one cherry tomato so far. i know no one is as excited as i am, but play along, would ya?

this weekend we were at a birthday party for one of gracie's little friends and i experienced (for the first time) garden envy. it was also their first garden, but was 5 times the size of mine, and in full growing mode. it was awesome. i just stood and stared in total awe. it's definitely making me rethink next years' garden. look out, honey, next year we are going bigger! focus honey... garden... not boobs.


Anonymous said...

'tis quite a lovely garden,i agree. but i seem to recall a phone conversation about planting things like pumpkins (or anything growing on a vine along the ground) in such a small plot. am recalling hearing myself say, "be ready to move those pumpkins quickly". did you pay attention to your mama? likely not, as poppy said they were "taking over". now you know why we haven't planted corn and some other things in the past. but next year...yes siree bob! a whole new garden on the "rench"...'cause this is a workin' rench! Minnie

anne said...

where shall i move them, o wise one?