Thursday, June 17, 2010

meet the quints...

these are the purple martin (hereafter knows as p.m.) babies that are being raised by their little p.m. parents on our front porch. 2 days ago, all we could see was their little beaks peeking over the side. and now look at them, all grown up, getting big and brave... i'm so proud... (sniff, sniff).

every year the p.m. parents come to one of the corners of our front porch. why the porch on our ranch? why not the neighbors... there's no one there. whatever... so, this is the 4th year in a row we've "assisted" the little p.m. parents in welcoming new p.m. babies into our neck of the woods. we've usually had three or four, but as you can see, this year we have five. by the way, i use the term "assisted" very loosely... we just give them a home, wash the poop off the porch (frequently), and avoid the front door at all costs (for fear of being divebombed)... that's all.

yes, we keep knocking the nest down, but they keep coming back. this time (as usual) they built their nest and had eggs before we realized it. gracie had an ever-lovin' (yet another word that might not be one, but i've just used it so now it is...) meltdown when daddy said he was going to take out the nest. she "knew" there were babies in it. of course, she was right... so we left it. what would you have done? is this one of those times you teach your children about the laws of nature? ok, so it's not a law of nature, but you know what i mean. we could've told her what poppy always says... "it's just part of life". oh well, i guess it's a good little science lesson. anyway, daddy couldn't bear to take down the nest with gracie melting, so now here we are.

hopefully, soon enough, they'll be venturing out on their own to fly, eat bugs, and poop somewhere else. until then, we'll just keep doing what we're doing... hope they appreciate it...

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