Wednesday, August 18, 2010

conversations with cale

i love conversations with cale. they are definitely one of the highlights of my day... most every day. we talk about all kinds of things, and you never know what he'll come up with. and he talks all the time. even in his sleep. he talks... and talks... and talks. right now he's singing "this is the way we make a gown, make a gown, make a gown, this is the way we make a gown... with princess dreams and magic" (no, daddy and poppy, i didn't teach him that... it's from a cinderella sing-a-long book we have). most importantly, when he talks i usually learn something new. for instance...

yesterday morning we were on the way to kk's house and cale had a little gas. he, of course, immediately starts laughing and loudly proclaims "i tooted"! then he says "wait, that wasn't a toot, it was a squeeze"... um, what's a squeeze? so i asked... "bubby, what's a squeeze?" to which he replies "it's a squeeze-toot". now, i've not been a boy-mom for very long and i don't pretend to know all things boy. so, if any of you boy-moms (or boys, for that matter) can explain this phenomenon to me, i'd really appreciate it!

so then, last night, he's in my bathroom to go potty. so he said. he's standing there naked, messing with his junk (you can thank my hubby for that wonderful word choice. he thinks it's hysterical... and now it's caught on... and we all say it. don't you know nana would flip out if she heard us say something like that.) anyway, i say to him "bub, quit messing with your junk and just go potty". "but mom, if i let go it goes everywhere". yet another thing i did not know. thank you for the insight. so now i'm wondering where was he when he figured out that if you "let go" it "goes everywhere". suddenly, i'm feeling the need to clean and disinfect both bathrooms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CA-YUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE pic of you and salt-n-peppa over there on the right...presh.

"junk"...ha ha ha! it sounds sorta cool and dude-ish.
