Wednesday, August 11, 2010

so much to blog about, so little time...

several times in the last couple of days, it's been brought to my attention that i've not blogged lately... so, here i am. i'm gonna be really honest... i've chosen sleep over blogging many recent nights. i'm really not doing much sleeping, so maybe i should be choosing blogging instead... hmmm...

anyway, lots going on at the ranch these days, and i mean lots. lets start with...

the garden: it's not good, not good at all. it's so not good, i pulled it all up tonight. i'd have taken a picture, but i'd rather you remember it's better days. you know, like in an obituary, when a 89 year old crosses over to the "great by and by," but the associated picture was from when they were 34. i'd rather you remember the garden when it was 34. the good news withthe garden is that i'm going to chance some fall planting. so, we'll see how that goes... and, i know, that whole "great by and by" was just wrong... but, when has that stopped me? moving on...

the p.m.'s: they're gone! yea for me! saturday is demolition day, and they don't even know it... he, he, he...

the new puppy: that's right... we've got a new puppy. her name is mollie. millie and mollie... isn't it cute? more on her later...

the circus: the most exciting news is that gracie starts kindergarten tomorrow. i know she's been in a preschool for 2 years now, but there's just something about it being actual kindergarten. it seems so... big. i'm not ready for big... for me or for gracie. so, when we went to "meet the teacher" this afternoon, the teacher came and hugged me... i started crying. jackie says that's for 2 reasons...

1. she's pms-ing, so i must be too, and
2. it's part of being a mommy. it's what happens when they really start school. for real. no more play-school. this is big girl stuff... with real report cards... and field-trips... and smart boards... and attendance policies...
that are enforced.
so, now we're all ready for our big day tomorrow. backpack is packed and ready, all her paperwork has been filled out, lunch is made, clothes are laid out, and the twinkle toes are just waiting to walk her into her new school...
gotta go... there's a meltdown a-comin'...


Anonymous said...'re a wonderful mother...i know she'll be the BEST and most DARLING kindergartener in the school!!! love you all...

Anonymous said...

Gee. I remember YOUR first day of K'garten like it was...uh...26 years ago! Because it WAS! ;-) Do you remember those fun, HOT, days starting out in the big...TENT??!! Of course you do! I cried, too. Of course, I cried when you graduated from H.S. and wanted to go to OU...away from home! Thank goodness you decided you wanted to stay at home until you were married...and did! By then I was ready for you to leave! Hee hee! Your little kindergartner is my first grand baby, so I'm right there with you, sweetie!!