Friday, August 27, 2010

i have a sick computer...

just so you know, i've not been just not blogging on purpose. a slight issue with our computer has made it difficult for me to blog. the issue is...well, it just won't come on. and by not on, i mean not at all. it won't go any further than the black screen with "Dell" in blue. it scrolls and thinks... and thinks and scrolls. and it drives me bananas. and what makes me even more bananas is that i've got stuff to blog about. fun stuff. with great pictures, too. so, kyle has taken it to a friend to fix it. now i'm blogging from my phone. which is fine and all, but god speed, pete. i miss my computer...


Anonymous said...

fer pete's sake woman...put that hot picture of yourself and your man on facebook...already. dang.

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, Ashley!! LOL!! Love it, sister!

Anonymous said...

BTW, that comment was from Anne's mom, aka "Minnie" to all! ;-)