Friday, September 24, 2010

ahhh, friday.

i love fridays. i mean, i really love fridays. i've been so looking forward to today, all week. i thought it was gonna rain and i was planning on snuggling on the couch with a cup of tea and my new book. sounds heavenly, right? bad news... it didn't rain. it was too warm for a cup of tea. and, my bookmark is still in the same place it was yesterday. so with 5 whole hours to myself, what did i do? i ate breakfast without sharing one bite with anyone. i cleaned the kitchen and enjoyed the fact that all the dishes were clean at the same time. i listened to the last message from pastor craig of twice... in a row. it was so good. great, actually. i washed and folded several loads of laundry... which, by the way, is never ending at my house. i mean never. i do laundry all the time, or at least that's how i feel. maybe it's like that for everyone... not sure. get my husband to help? um, no thank you. kyle's been fired from laundry duty. colorblindness + kid stains = really not good. no, not good at all. and i can't get mad at him, cause he really can't see the stains. so, i'm patiently waiting until my kids can do their own laundry. sorry, back to my day... i picked up toys and stuff, then stuff and toys. and then when the work was over, the fun began...

i pickled and canned okra. after that, my mommy time was over.

and then we took the kids to the homecoming parade. they loved it! i stood there watching the parade, watching my kids, and thinking about how much i love "small" town life.

cale, well he loved the fire trucks... and all the candy.

i so enjoyed just watching them be in awe of the happenings.
they're already ready for the next parade!

busy day... and the finale was dessert at cherryberry. yum, yum, and yum.
now, everyone is in bed, except me.

even the dogs are passed out... and snoring... together. think i'll join them... nite.

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