Tuesday, September 28, 2010

where do chickens come from?

sometimes on our drive home, we discuss what's for dinner. tonight was one of those nights. gracie's vote, seconded by cale, was chicken nuggets. great. easy for me. i start throwing a meal together in my head. some chicken nuggets, green beans, and maybe some applesauce. then gracie says "mom, what are chicken nuggets made of?"... i say "chicken". that wasn't good enough for her. oh, no. on we go... "but what kind of chicken?"... "the kind that run around and say cluck, cluck, cluck"... "well, where do those chickens come from?"... "eggs"... "where do eggs come from?"... so i launch into the whole thing about hens and laying eggs. finally, the answer was good enough. but, not for me. i thought it would be fun to have daddy join in the conversation, since they usually ask me these kinds of things... no, not such a good idea. i really should stop over thinking things, because...
when daddy got home, i said "hey gracie, ask daddy about the chicken and eggs". she did. he gave me quite a look, then tells her the same story i did... until the part about where eggs come from. instead of the clean version i gave her about hen's laying eggs, he tells her they poop them (at this point, he gets the look from me). really? must we give her that kind of information at 5? really? they poop them? come on. gracie, on the other hand, thinks it's funny. of course, she does. anything about poop when you're 5 is funny. anyway, they then continue the discussion about the yolk, baby chicks forming inside the egg, and getting the eggs from the hens before they start forming chicks. at this point, i kind of tuned them out. bad idea. i rejoin the conversation just as gracie says, "ok, now that's just gross!"... and then she left the table. i probably don't even want to know what he told her.
earlier, i thought it would be funny to get daddy in on the conversation. remind me not to think so much.

1 comment:

daddy said...

OK...the chickens pooping the eggs was hilarious and my kiddos laughed....whats the harm???